Friday, November 18, 2011

My Journey of Gratitude - Day 17

It seems that the more time I spend in gratitude, the less I have to say. There comes this tipping point where the experience becomes so deep that words cannot capture the essence of what is felt. And I believe I may have reached that tipping point.

Normally it would take me a few minutes to settle my mind enough so that I could step into the state of gratitude. Today, however, I gently slipped into it and was feeling it before I was even aware of being there. That was an interesting experience in itself!

I sat in the new experience of thankfulness, a gentle warmth glowing through me and felt my outer world swirling around me-forming, dissolving and reforming itself over and over again. It was like sitting safely by a warm fire with a storm raging outside. My inner self is calm, peaceful and safe while my outer life is changing into something not yet seen.

When I look around my life everything looks the same, but my internal experience is so different that nothing feels the same. Normally that would make me nervous and scrambling for some stability, but instead today I am feeling calm, peaceful and trusting. There is deep within me a knowing that all is well.

Today I am grateful for what is and curious about what will be.

In gratitude,


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