Friday, May 6, 2011

Redefining success

In reading an inspiratonal message this morning I came across a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that sparked a new way of thinking about success and how I am already succeeding.

"To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived.  This
is to have succeeded."  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I know that I have recently become so focused on creating income that my
definition of 'success' became so narrow.  I was gaging my success by how
much money I brought in each month.  If I made my goal, I felt successful
and that felt good.  But conversely when I didn't reach that financial
goal I felt like a failure.  With such a narrow focus I forgot to look at
the people and situations in my life where I made a difference, often just
by being myself.  Taking that phone call from one of my children in the
middle of my day, listening to my husband tell me about his day, holding a
grandchild, making sure a client got what they needed or just listening
when someone needs to talk .  Those are ways to make a difference in a
life--and making a difference in any way for any one person is succeeding.

It took getting away from my daily routine to visit a daughter and her
family that reminded me of what is most important to me and what brings me
the most satisfaction in life.  With teaching & 4 growing kids, she's on
the run all the time.  Being here I was able to help pick someone up from
practice or drop someone else off where they had to go.  Jim & I had
dinner ready for them when they all came home.  At one point she said that
just those simple acts made such a difference for her and she was

That is my reminder that it is time revisit my values and where I am living them or ignoring them.  It is time for me to relocate my 'true north'--those ways of being in the world that are most precious to me and to remind myself
of how I define success.

Just as there are 'many ways up the mountain' there are many ways to succeed.

May today be a day where someone breathes easier in your life because you live.


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