Friday, May 13, 2011

Know Thyself - Know Your Spiritual DNA

Our most recent discussions on the One Command Yahoo group have been truly deep and self-revealing, the willingness of the members to open their life experiences to others and share their recognition of how much self-awareness enhances their ability to change your lives for the better has been a blessing.

Many times people ask what to Command for...and the best answer will always be, What do you want instead (of what you have). To help that along, it can be very useful to find out what programs you have been running that have gotten in your way.

We know from quantum physics and psychology that biochemically, biologically and energetically, we take in information that is transmitted as chemicals throughout our body and then creates or changes our DNA. We come in with ancestral programs, we take on cultural and family programs and we have inherent behavioral DNA programs - all information that shapes how we think, perceive the world, and behave.

And beneath all of that is our Spiritual blueprint, the programs that we universally share that come from Source. These are the programs that hold our integrity, our compassion, our sense of fairness, our love - and nowhere in that blueprint will you find fear.

Fear is incorporated in your core behaviors, like the flight/fight responses, and in your learned behaviors like family beliefs and cultural beliefs, and in your personal set of perceptual behaviors that shape how you interpret the world and how you react in response to those perceptions.

The very best part is that as you dig into what is going on in your life, from your dreams to your beliefs to your daydreams, and as you allow yourself to be aware of all the ways you have viewed the world and how and why you make the choices you have made, you have even more freedom and more information about What you want instead.

All of your stories of self-discovery are you gifts to yourself, your gifts of self-recognition, your gifts of self-revelation - and at that point - you get to make more and more and more decisions and choices to use your inherent courage to behave from Source, from your Spiritual DNA blueprint - the you that is in complete alignment with Greater Capacity.

Congratulations to all of you and to all of us - self-knowledge is FREEDOM!

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