Thursday, June 2, 2011

Take back your power and release your pain

"One must sacrifice the belief that there is any power or endurance in evil apart from the power we ourselves give it by believing in it."  Emmet Fox

As I read that statement this morning I realized the power inherent in his words.
"...apart from the power that we ourselves give it by believing in it."  That means that YOU have the power to change, to shift, to transform in every area of your life by making a conscious choice to believe something different.

Here I speak not of evil, but of your story about your pain, struggle and old wounds.  Your pain story can hold no more power or endurance in your life except from the power you give it to control your thoughts, emotions and health.  Your pain, struggle and wounds can only exist because you keep them alive with your thoughts, your words and your actions.  Remove your attention from them and they lose their sting. 

As a child I was terrified of the boogeyman living in my closet and would lay there for what seemed like hours unable to sleep, keeping watch to make sure he wouldn't jump out at me in the dark.  That belief held great power over me until one night, tired of being scared, I jumped out of bed, threw open the closet door and found.......nothing.  Nothing...absolutely no boogeyman, no shadow, nothing to feed the fear but my own belief.  Once I stopped believing in the power of this scary monster, there was no power to fear.

So what must you be willing to let go of in order to take the power back into your own hands?  What would you need to be, do or have so that you can let go of your pain story and write a new story about your life?

What people, places, situations and events would fill your new story?  How would you live your life, what would you talk to your friends about and how would you see yourself if you had a new story to tell--a story filled with love, joy, love, laughter, peace and prosperity?

Who would you be?

Katie and I would love to here your comments!


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