Friday, August 12, 2011

Rose-Colored Glasses

I have been creating lots of energy around moving from one ideal place to the next ideal place for my new decade of life as I head toward my 70s. Depending on your decade of life, you may think that the time of expansion and change is over by this chronological time, and you will be surprised when you get here.

Living, thriving, choosing life is an ongoing - second by second series of choices. Are you choosing to love, to listen, to speak your personal truth from your soul, to walk into the sea and feel the embrace of the water that surrounds your own body which is 90+ percent water - does it remind you of our entanglement with our planet from the water to the air, to every living soul in our world?

I got my new reading lamp set up today and this is what I found in a book by Mike Dooley of TUT, called Choose Them Wisely - Thoughts Become Things. (If you don't get TUT daily thoughts, you may be missing something good).

Rose-Colored Glasses
See it all as easy,
and so it must become.

...The answers you seek lie in the present moment, and by enjoying whatever it is that you enjoy and by following your heart out into the world - no matter what others may think - your questions will be answered, your step will be made lighter, and you will see how true this is and how easy life has always been...Mike Dooley

This is really what my teaching partner, friend and colleague Bonnie and I mean when we talk about living in gratitude, when we suggest looking at what you say to yourself and then ask, What do I want instead?

Abraham Lincoln said, People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

How happy are you choosing to be each and every day? What do you want instead? What is you chosen I Am? How are you in service to yourself and others?

Answering these questions are a great start to your day and meditating on the answers is a gift to yourself.

Blessings, Katie

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