Sunday, September 23, 2012

We Are Moving - Please Go to

Not only do we have a new blog, but also a new free Forum in which you can actively participate and engage in conversations with others from around the world. We have many lively discussions going on now with even more to come.

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person or wonder if maybe you are, join in that conversation. Read the stories that others share and share your own.

For October we will be talking about moving from Scarcity to Prosperity and living in a state of Gratitude.

Career development, personal and spiritual growth, love and relationships and many more topics are open to all.

Come let your Voice and hear the Voices of others!

In the meantime, enjoy this great 1min video before you go - Hugs, Dr. Katie and Bonnie

The Wildest Ride!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Doors of Perception
Questions are the doors to perception - and the better the questions - the more meaningful the answers.

A number of us were working with the question, ‘What is your I Am? I thought that something was a little off-kilter about the question because of the answers we were all giving.

I got an insight from Deepak Chopra - when we answer I Am a...... we are writing a resume.

When you answer the question What is Your I Am - there is no 'a' after the word Am

That means, when we answer the question What is Your I Am?

And we start with I Am a.......

We are already deeply off track.

So....I am not asking you to answer that question right away - this is a question to sit with for awhile - this is a question to keep answering until your physiology sends a chill (an energy rush) through your body and you KNOW  - and then you know that you know - that this who you truly are.

So a question to sit with:

What is your I Am?

Love and blessings, Katie

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One Square Inch

Many years ago while living in Japan, I learned this beautiful concept from a Japanese friend. My mini-balcony on my small apartment - overlooked a wood dump - a place where old wood from torn down houses and factories was dumped.

It was not the loveliest sight in the world. My friend said, "You must learn to look at 'one square inch'."  Then he had me look to my right and down the street. In Japan there are little stone 'beings' called Jizu - they protect travelers and young children. It is the custom for people to pour water over the little statue and dress them in a red cape - they are lovely and delightful little beings that appear on many street corners.  My friend had me put my attention on the small statue and ignore the ugly dump, the sounds of the street, and any other disruptive or unpleasant scenes.

I sometimes forget that wonderful lesson - when I do remember - it makes my line of sight so much more pleasant and beautiful.

Just another 'good idea'. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mental Rehearsal

Mental Rehearsal and Changing Your DNA
As a cognitive behavioral psychologist - mental and behavioral rehearsal was a staple of good therapy. I was always fascinated by the studies demonstrating how mental rehearsal works and I read many studies by psychologists, research scientists, Olympic trainers and athletes demonstrating how and why mental rehearsal works in our body-mind.
What is Mental Rehearsal?
Mental rehearsal is the process of imprinting images of your goals and expectations in your mind and DNA. You practice seeing and feeling the positive outcomes and achievements that you want to manifest in your conscious reality. Kinesthetic memory and visualization increase your likelihood of success. You can use mental rehearsal for any area of your life, health, wealth, happiness, relationships, sports, business, whatever you desire in your life.
While teaching psychology at the University of Hawaii - I worked with a local basketball team - they won their first ever championship that year.
The New Use for Mental Rehearsal - Change at the Spiritual Level
The simple 6-steps of The One Command is one highly successful approach to using mental rehearsal to change your DNA. Meditation is a wonderful method as well alone or better yet in partnership with The One Command, and I have learned some new meditations from one of my teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza, from his terrific new book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Dr. Joe uses mental rehearsal as a core process in changing your DNA and I use it as a core process in my coaching sessions in partnership with The One Command.
Hugs, Katie
For a continuation and expansion of this discussion on the phenomenon and value of Mental Rehearsal - and just how you can use it - check out Dr. Katie on in March.